Back in Arusha

I spent my first day back in Arusha, Tanzania listening, learning and observing what has changed in the 4 years since I was last here… and there is a lot.

The region where CHETI Schools 7 & 8 (the schools
Inuka has developed with CHETI NGO), has suffered the last three years from little rain which has affected the crops and harvest. In previous years, families in this area could harvest more than 80 bags of maize to eat and sell. Now, they are lucky to get more than 18.

Inuka ‘s mission is to build stronger community and from 2018-2019, we worked with CHETI NGO and the local communities here to build two schools - not just to facilitate education, but also employment and sustainability in the area.

But because of the struggle in recent years, enrolment has dropped and there is now only one teacher at each school. And even though there are still students attending year round, more than half the students in each class do not pay fees. This means that the teachers and cleaners wages are paid by donation, and when there is no donation, paid by Zuma.

The children told their teacher that they love coming to school, because it is fun, safe and clean. And I want to keep it this way, but I need your help.

- Maeve, Founder of Inuka

Maeve Turner