was born in Tanzania in 1971. His parents separated when he was very young and he was left in the care of his grandmother. Life with his grandmother was very tough as she was too old to take care of the children left with her. Life hardship, love scarcity and lack of food made Zuma very poor academically. Zuma couldn’t even read his own name at 11 years old.
Zuma’s mother returned for him in 1982 and he was put into the lowest level class at the local public school and in 1989 he entered Arusha Secondary School. He finished secondary school in 1992. Zuma did very well in school. He was accepted into the University of Chang’ombe due to his academic excellence and living in poverty. Zuma became an auctioneer in 1995-1996, and made enough money to build his first wooden school that would begin with just three students. He called it Zulu Nursery School and it was attached to his home.
In June 2008, Zuma established CHETI NGO. CHETI stands for Children Health and Education Team Inspiration. Zuma’s vision is to help poor children and their families.
By 2009, Zuma had built four schools.
Zuma has established this NGO and the schools to help eradicate poverty through education and health care. Now there are 135 students who receive a free education and health care support through CHETI and there are 40 children who have a home at CHETI Orphanage.
As of 2019, CHETI NGO supports seven nursery schools, two orphanages and one secondary school, that have been directly built by Zuma, partner charities and generous volunteers.
Zuma has found faith in God and believes that it is God’s wish for Zuma to help people. Zuma has a wonderful heart that God loves and respects.
Zuma Mtui at a Science Competition in 2019