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building stronger community



Inuka is a charity that aims to build stronger community and empower change in rural Tanzania. Our projects are focused on access to education for some of Arusha’s most disadvantaged children and young women who are denied their right to education.

We are committed to assisting every child in accessing education, providing the opportunity for women to begin their own businesses, and educating communities about sustainability in rural Tanzania; so all can begin to live happier and healthier lives.

Our impact since 2018



Schools built



children supported



partner schools



widows helped




inuka strives to support children in Cheti Schools and provide access to quality education in disadvantaged communities.

Empowerment & Equity

We believe in providing women opportunities to become financially independent. We seek to deliver this through our lending program where we provide microfinance loans to widows.

A future goal is to establish a vocational centre where any woman can learning viable skills to assist in creating a livelihood that supports them and their families.


We maintain a safe environment for the students and staff at Cheti Schools. This helps to foster positive relationships and provide a sense of security. This is an environment in which learning thrives.

Aspects of our projects focus on sustainability and developing a deeper understanding of the human impact on the environment. We work with the local community so that they see the environment as something to be nurtured, not exploited.


Our Values


We are committed to supporting children, and helping families and communities prosper, through education to reach their full potential.

We collaborate and work closely with our partner organisation, Cheti NGO in Tanzania, to understand the local culture and customs.

We believe every child should have access to a quality education and the opportunity to thrive in a safe learning environment.

We aim to deliver health and wellbeing projects that provide culturally relevant and sensitive information to community members


“Future successes are rooted in education.”

maeve turner  | Founder



Inuka was established in 2019 by 19-year-old Maeve Turner

In 2018, with a plan to travel the world, instead, Maeve found herself in Arusha, Tanzania teaching English at Cheti Schools, and 10 months later founded Inuka.

During her time in Tanzania, Maeve witnessed the joy going to school and learning brought the children at Cheti Schools and saw their improvement during the time she was there. However, she was also exposed to the severe poverty, lack of access, and disadvantages these children and the community faced every day. When Zuma asked Maeve to help build Cheti 7, she welcomed the opportunity to keep helping those who had so profoundly changed her life.

Inuka’s achievements since establishment


  • January 2019 - Cheti 7 was opened

  • July 2019 - two water tanks installed at Cheti 7

  • October 2019 - 200kgs of rice given to the orphanage

  • November 2019 - three widows supported in the community


  • February 2020 - Inuka (formerly sayari nyuki) was officially registered with ACNC

  • May 2020 - a new toilet block was completed at Cheti 4

  • June 2020 - rice was provided to all Cheti Staff during the peak of the pandemic

  • September 2020 - thirteen widows supported in the community

  • October 2020 - starts building Cheti 8


  • January 2021 - Cheti 8 is opened

  • March 2021 - twenty widows supported in the community

  • May 2021 - five water tanks installed across Cheti Schools

  • July 2021 - six laptops provided to the secondary school.


  • April 2022 - thirty widows supported in the community

  • July 2022 - a new toilet block is completed at Cheti 8

  • August 2022 - international sponsorship of a primary school student

  • November 2022 - construction begins on the first classroom at the vocational centre


  • January 2023 - foundation of the first classroom at the vocational centre is complete

  • May 2023 - doors, windows and ceiling installed at the vocational centre

  • September 2023 - welcomed our first international volunteers

  • September 2023 - mural painted at Cheti 8


Ready to help?


